In today’s world, many teenagers are ready to build the skills necessary to help them lead personally fulfilling and professionally productive lives. If this is the case for you, now is the time to tap into the power of journaling.
Journaling is a wonderful enterprise because it enables you to think critically and carefully regarding yourself, the choices you’re making, and the type of person you want to become.
All of this critical reflection will provide you with the knowledge and inner confidence necessary to make behavioral shifts that will lead to the cultivation of a more positive, productive life. Below you’ll find several journaling topics for teenagers that may be beneficial for you:
The practice of gratitude is a spiritual enterprise which enables people to cultivate a positive, open-minded approach to life as they recognize and appreciate all of the wonderful things they have in their lives. Teenagers can benefit from journaling about things that they are grateful for in many ways.
In addition to promoting a positive mood and warding away the mood instability that is common amongst teenagers going through puberty and various social issues, the practice of gratitude can engender self-knowledge.
For example, if a teenager notes that she is most grateful for the time she spends volunteering at an animal shelter, this heightened self-awareness might help guide her into a career as a veterinarian or animal activist.
Another topic that can be incredibly empowering and enlightening for teenagers is self- inquiry. Self-inquiry is immensely important for numerous reasons. First, it provides the individual with the opportunity to ask questions which reveal key aspects of one’s personality, goals, preferences, values, etc. Once this information is attained, the individual is more capable of making personal decisions and lifestyle choices that promote authenticity and happiness.
This mode of being stands in contrast to social conformance, a behavioral pattern that many teenagers have to work against given the constant need to fit in and attain approval from others.
When you’re ready to start the self-inquiry process, note that you can ask yourself some or all of the following questions:
What am I most deeply passionate about? What is my favorite food? What do I want to be when I grow up? Which personal achievement am I most proud of? Which school course do I like the most? The least? Which family member do I feel closest to and why? What is my favorite book? What type of music do I like to listen to? Do I believe in love? If so, how do I define it? What is my favorite form of physical activity? Do I identify as an introvert or extrovert?
If you’re really serious about getting the most out of your journaling practice, tap into the power of meditating consistently and then writing about your experience. This practice can help you gain clarity regarding your thought life while also enabling you to attain a clearer understanding of what’s going on in your body.
Writing down the experiences you have in your mind and body during meditation can help you lead a healthier lifestyle while also reducing your stress levels. Here’s a sample meditation entry to give you ideas for how to structure this aspect of your journaling process:
Today I meditated for ten minutes. Instead of sitting in silence, I consciously visualized images from nature. The first was the sun. I then moved on to visualizing trees and rocks.
When I changed the image to the grass, I found that my heart started racing and I then broke down in tears. This was because the grass always reminds me of my grandfather.
When I was a little boy, he took me fishing every Saturday afternoon and we walked from his small farm to the lake to get there. He let me walk barefoot because he knew I loved the cool feeling of the grass beneath my feet. He passed away two years ago and I have never felt comfortable walking on the grass barefoot since then. It feels like a sacred, private practice that I should only share with him.
Journaling for Teenagers
Teenagers who are serious about attaining self-fulfillment and/or social success should know that journaling consistently can empower them to realize the objective. Three topics that you can use to jump into the delightful, enlightening world of journaling are outlined above. Rather than procrastinating, commit to journaling every day for at least ten minutes so you can begin to see substantive results!